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7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- MAP NOTE This is a draft - work in progress - Part 2 to end have only headings
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Part 1 Paradigms and Principles pg5
- Inside-Out
- Self fulfilling profecies
- The Pigmallion effect
- experience with his son
- The Personality and Character Ethics
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last 50 years
- fluff
- looks
- fashion
- self
- personality
- PMA positive mental attitude
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preceding 150 years
- integrity
- fidelity
- temperance
- patience
- industry
- simplicity
- modesty
- the Golden Rule
- there are real principles
- Primary and Secondary Greatness
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Character is Primary, key
- shortcuts do not work
- cramming on a farm
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Personality is secondary
- secondary has little lasting value
- we trust people of character
- we distrust self centered people
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Power of a paradigm
- Paradigm is a model
- a roadmap to get somewhere
- bad map = go nowhere
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perceptions can fool you
- the picture of old and young woman
- see what you are conditioned to
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Power of paradigm shift
- Thomas Khun
- advances come from break with tradition
- in science
- in politics
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sudden shift
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Seeing and Being
- Paradigms are inseparable from character
- to think differently you have to be differently
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Principle-Centered Paradigm
- Capt. Kock , battleship, lighthouse
- change from understanding reality
- principles are lighthouses, can't be moved
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- not abstract and esotheric
- fount in all religions
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- base of equity and justice
- different implementation
- idea is clear to all
- Integrity, honesty
- Dignity
- Service
- Quality or excellence
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Human potential
- growth, chieving the potential
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are not practices
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are not values
- valus are maps to live by good or bad
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are guidelines of conduct
- fundamental
- understood, shared by all
- slf evident
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Principles of Growth and Change
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appeal of Personality Ethic
- there is a shortcut to riches
- scheming
- get rich quick
- driven by the result not the purpose
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Change is slow and takes work
- learning to listen is the key
- easier to operate from low emotional level and give high level advice
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In the area of characte one can fake it
- it works for a while
- cannot buy a new culture
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daughter not sharing toys
- embarasements
- negotiation
- force
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force build weakness
- in the inferiror
- in the superior
- in the relationship
- times to teach and not to teach
- refusal to share my come from never having possessed?
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The wy we see the problem is the problem
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desire to learn quick fixes
- in office
- in marriage
- in life
- Personality ethic pervasive and i the problem
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A new level of thinking
- Principle centered
- character based
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Inside-Out approach
- a process of renewal
- South Africa, Israel, Ireland
- huge paradigm shift, cannot blame others
- If you want more you need to put in more firs
- if you want recognition focus on character
- Private Victories precede Public Victories
- 7 Habits - Overview
- we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is a habit (Aristotle)
- Habits have the pull of gravity
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Habit defined
- knowldge +skill+desire
- Knowledge is the paradigm What and Why
- Skill is How to do
- Desire is Want to do
- Must grow in all 3 dimensions at once
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Maturity Continuum
- from dependence to inter-dependence
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dependence = paradigm of you
- you take care of me
- immaturity
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idependence =paradigm of I
- I can do it, I am responsible
- better but not supreme
- personality ethic stops here
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Interdependence = pardigm of WE
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Can mature only in that sequence
- Habits 1-3 for self mastery (private)
- 4-6 for cooperation (public)
- 7 for Renewal (life balance)
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Effectiveness Defined
- Goose of the Golden Eggs
- Don't neglct the goose
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P/PC Balance
- P=Production, results
- PC=Production Capability, Ability to produce
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Three Kinds of Assets
- Physical Financial Human
- Balance P nd PC to get long term results
- applies to productive assets
- applies to personal assets
- applies to life relationships
- Canot take out more than you put in
- PC Star Wars date with his daughter
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Organizing PC
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P/PC in organizations
- treat employees as you want them to treat best customers
- customers are volunteers, so are employees
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How to use this book
- not just for reading
- a roadmap for growth
- read with the intention of sharing what you learn (Inside-Out)
- Read as if you were to teach it in 48 hs
- learn from teaching
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What to expect
- Chose tochange
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Private victories = self confidence
- care less of what other think of you
- cre more of what they think of themselves
- if your core is chaneless it will be easier to change some things
- Public Victory = ability to help and heal
- Genuine caring
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Part 2 Private Victory pg30
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- the social mirror
- between stimulus and response
- Proactivity defined
- Taking the initiative
- Act or be Acted Upon
- Listening to our language
- Circle of Concern Circle of Influence
- Direct Indirect No Control
- Expanding the circle of Influence
- The Have's and the Be's
- Making and Keeping Commitments
- Proacivity - 30 day test
- Applicatio Suggestions
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- what it means
- All things created twice
- By Design or Default
- Leadership and Management - 2 Creations
- Rescripting - Become your own first creator
- Personal Mission Statement
- At The center
- Alternative Ceters
- Identifying Your Center
- A Principle Center
- Writing and Using ersonal Mission Statement
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Using the Whole Brain
- Expand Perspective
- Visualization and Affirmation
- Identifying Roles and Goals
- Family Mission Statements
- Organizational Mission Statements
- Application Suggestions
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- Principles of Personal Management
- Power of Indepepndent Will
- Four Generations of Time Management
- Quadrant II
- What It takes to Say No
- Moving into Quadrant II
- Thhe QII Tool
- Become a QII Self Manager
- Living It
- Advances of the 4th Generation
- Delegation - Increase P and PC
- Gofer Delegation
- Stewardship Delegation
- The QII Paradigm
- Application Suggestions
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Part 3 Public Victory pg91
- Emotional Bank Account
- Six Major Deposits
- Attending the Little Things
- Keeping Commitments
- Clarifying Expectations
- Showing Personal Integrity
- Apologizing Sincerely for Witdrawls
- Law of Love and Life
- P Problems and PC Oportunities
- Habits of Interdependence
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6 paradigms of human interacton
- win-lose
- lose-win
- lose-lose
- win
- win-win or No Deal
- Win-Win
- win-lose
- lose-win
- lose-lose
- win
- win-win or No Deal
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5 dimensions of Win Win
- Character
- Relationships
- Agreements
- Win Win Management training
- Win-Win Performance Agreements
- Processes
- Application Suggestions
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- Principles of Empathic Communication
- Character and Communication
- Empathic Listening
- Diagnose before you prescribe
- 4 autobiographical responses
- Understanding and Perception
- One on One
- Application Sugestions
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- Principles of Creative Cooperation
- Synergistic Coomunication
- Synergy in the classroom
- Syergy in Business
- Synergy and Communication
- Fishing for a 3rd Alternative
- Negative Synergy
- Valuing the Differences
- Force Field Analysis
- All Nature id Synergistic
- Application Suggestions
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Part 4 Renewal pg147
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- Principles of Balanced Self Renewal
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4 Dimensionsof Renewl
- Physical Dimension
- Spiritual Dimension
- Mental Dimension
- Social/Emotional Dimension
- Scripting Others
- Balance in Renewal
- Synergy in Renewal
- The Upward Spiral
- Application Suggstions
- Intergenerational Living
- Becoming a Transition Person
- A Person Note
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Appendix pg165